Thursday, 7 February 2013

Prevent visitors from opening a page outside iframe

Write this java script in each page those resides in iframe

if ( window.self == ) 
// not in a frame 
 window.location = "Default.aspx";
 else { 
//in a frame 


We can use the same concept for Login page in
Situation like.
After session expiry login page rendering into iframe.we can avoid this by write this script into login page

if ( window.self != ) 
// In a frame 
 window.location = "Login.aspx";
 else { 
//Not in a frame 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Bind only 25 characters to the Label Text in Gridview control

First use template field rather than bound filed in Gridview, and bind using

  <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" 
Text=' <%# Eval("NAME").ToString().Length > 25 ? Eval("NAME").ToString().Substring(0, 23)+"..": Eval("NAME")%>'>

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