1. Ctrl + N Opens the New Project Dialogue Box
2. Ctrl + Shift + O Opens the Open File Dialog Box
3. Ctrl + Shift + A Opens Add New Item window
4. Ctrl + D Opens Add Existing Item window
5. Ctrl + S Saves Current Form
6. Ctrl + Shift + S Saves everything from Application
7. Alt + Q Exits Visual Studio. NET
8. Ctrl + Z Undo
9. Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
10. Ctrl + X Cuts your selection
11. Ctrl + C Copies your selection
12. Ctrl + V Pastes your selection
13. Ctrl + A Selects All
14. Del Deletes your selection
15. Ctrl + F Opens Find window
16. Ctrl + H Opens Find and Replace window
17. Ctrl + Shift + H Opens Replace in Files window
18. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 Opens Find Symbol window
19. F7 Opens Code Designer window
20. Shift + F7 Gets you back to Design View
21. Ctrl + R Opens the Solution Explorer window
22. Ctrl + Alt + S Opens the Server Explorer window
23. Ctrl + Shift + C Opens the Class View window
24. F4 Opens the Properties window
25. Ctrl + Shift + E Opens the Resource view window
26. Ctrl + Alt + X Opens the Toolbar window
27. Shift + Alt + Enter Takes you to Full Screen View
28. Alt+F8 Opens Macro Explorer window
29. F2 Opens Object Browser window
30. Ctrl + Alt + T Opens Document Outline window
31. Ctrl + Alt + K Opens Task List window
32. Ctrl + Alt + A Opens Command window
33. Ctrl + Alt + O Opens Output window
34. Ctrl + Alt + Y Opens Find Symbol Results window
35. Ctrl + Alt + F Lists Items under the Favorites Menu in your Internet Explorer
36. Ctrl + Shift + B Builds your project
37. F5 Runs your Application
38. Ctrl + F5 Runs your Application without Debugging
39. Ctrl + Alt + E Opens the Exceptions Dialog Box
40. F8 Used while Debugging Applications
41. Shift + F8 Used While Debugging Applications
42. Ctrl + B Inserts a New Break point
43. Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clears All Breakpoints
44. Ctrl + Alt + P Opens the Processes Dialog box
45. Ctrl + T Opens Customize Toolbox window
46. Ctrl + Shift + P Runs Temporary Macro
47. Ctrl + Shift + R Records Temporary Macro
48. Alt + F11 Opens Macros IDE
49. Ctrl + F1 Opens Dynamic Help window
50. Ctrl +Alt + F1 Opens Help window sorted by Contents
51. Ctrl + Alt + F2 Opens Help window sorted by Index
52. Ctrl + Alt + F3 Opens Help Search window
53. Shift + Alt + F2 Opens Index Results window
54. Shift + Alt + F3 Opens Search Results window
55. Ctrl + K +C Comment out the current selected section
56. Ctrl + K +U Un comment the current selected section
2. Ctrl + Shift + O Opens the Open File Dialog Box
3. Ctrl + Shift + A Opens Add New Item window
4. Ctrl + D Opens Add Existing Item window
5. Ctrl + S Saves Current Form
6. Ctrl + Shift + S Saves everything from Application
7. Alt + Q Exits Visual Studio. NET
8. Ctrl + Z Undo
9. Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
10. Ctrl + X Cuts your selection
11. Ctrl + C Copies your selection
12. Ctrl + V Pastes your selection
13. Ctrl + A Selects All
14. Del Deletes your selection
15. Ctrl + F Opens Find window
16. Ctrl + H Opens Find and Replace window
17. Ctrl + Shift + H Opens Replace in Files window
18. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 Opens Find Symbol window
19. F7 Opens Code Designer window
20. Shift + F7 Gets you back to Design View
21. Ctrl + R Opens the Solution Explorer window
22. Ctrl + Alt + S Opens the Server Explorer window
23. Ctrl + Shift + C Opens the Class View window
24. F4 Opens the Properties window
25. Ctrl + Shift + E Opens the Resource view window
26. Ctrl + Alt + X Opens the Toolbar window
27. Shift + Alt + Enter Takes you to Full Screen View
28. Alt+F8 Opens Macro Explorer window
29. F2 Opens Object Browser window
30. Ctrl + Alt + T Opens Document Outline window
31. Ctrl + Alt + K Opens Task List window
32. Ctrl + Alt + A Opens Command window
33. Ctrl + Alt + O Opens Output window
34. Ctrl + Alt + Y Opens Find Symbol Results window
35. Ctrl + Alt + F Lists Items under the Favorites Menu in your Internet Explorer
36. Ctrl + Shift + B Builds your project
37. F5 Runs your Application
38. Ctrl + F5 Runs your Application without Debugging
39. Ctrl + Alt + E Opens the Exceptions Dialog Box
40. F8 Used while Debugging Applications
41. Shift + F8 Used While Debugging Applications
42. Ctrl + B Inserts a New Break point
43. Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clears All Breakpoints
44. Ctrl + Alt + P Opens the Processes Dialog box
45. Ctrl + T Opens Customize Toolbox window
46. Ctrl + Shift + P Runs Temporary Macro
47. Ctrl + Shift + R Records Temporary Macro
48. Alt + F11 Opens Macros IDE
49. Ctrl + F1 Opens Dynamic Help window
50. Ctrl +Alt + F1 Opens Help window sorted by Contents
51. Ctrl + Alt + F2 Opens Help window sorted by Index
52. Ctrl + Alt + F3 Opens Help Search window
53. Shift + Alt + F2 Opens Index Results window
54. Shift + Alt + F3 Opens Search Results window
55. Ctrl + K +C Comment out the current selected section
56. Ctrl + K +U Un comment the current selected section